The Course Refresh 6-week Challenge is built to help faculty focus on specific tasks to work on for your fall courses as we prepare for the possibility of different teaching modalities. Each challenge is based on the TLTC’s simplified OSCQR (OPEN SUNY Course Quality Rubric) checklist. We hope that as you build your course(s), the checklist is helpful as some of the points are simple and mechanical and some are deeper and get to how a course can be designed and how students are evaluated.
OSCQR 2.1: The course is organized into modules, units, weeks, or other chunks. Each section has due dates and expectations clearly stated.
Select one course you are teaching this fall and try to break your course materials into sections (modules, units, weeks, or other chunks) and create new Content Areas for each section in your Blackboard course shell. For each section, create an Item at the top of the page that shows the tasks and assignments for that section and the due dates for the major assignments. In the “Supporting Materials” section and the “How To” section below are links to content to help with this process.
Supporting Materials:
- OSCQR Video Explanation for Course Organization (2:06) (https://youtu.be/4i7vWFw8PTs) – The numbering on this video references the full OSCQR numbering instead of our simplified version
- SUNY Oneonta students talk about online Course Design (5:42) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGj9c2tcsfQ&feature=emb_title)
- Repeatable module course structure (11:07) (https://youtu.be/sOOZv3Qk5Qk) – This video shows an example course structure
- Sallie Han’s Tip for Remote Instruction on using Content Areas (or Folders) to organize her course
- How to Organize and Structure Your Online Course (57:17) – SUNY Remote Teaching Institute (RTI) webinar about best practices in organizing your online course. There are some really good visuals from the second presenters (Alissa Steele) starting around the 18 minute mark.
How To Materials:
- How to Add Content Areas and Assignment Items (5:36) – (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXDiZMQVRik)
- Teaching Breakfast – Chunking Your Material – Join us on Thursday (June 25) any time from 8:30-10:00am to talk about
Show us your great ideas!
We would love to hear how you decided to create sections for your course. If you are willing to share, email Chilton Reynolds (chilton.reynolds@oneonta.edu) with a video, screenshot, or “I did it!” paragraph by the end of the week.
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