Creating A Custom Landing Page in Blackboard

Dr. Gregory Fulkerson,
Sociology Department,
SUNY Oneonta,

Greg Fulkerson has some ideas for how to change the landing page when logging into a Blackboard shell. Making these alterations in a few short steps allows faculty to customize the page the students see when logging into Blackboard.

“I love having control over what students see and do not like the default landing page (though I do keep it and simply rename it announcements).”

This is part of a series of posts collected by the TLTC and Faculty Center to share ideas and tools that have been helpful in the shift is teaching during the Spring 2020 semester.  If you are interested in sharing either a tool that you have found very useful or a method that you are now using in your courses, we would love to hear from you. Send your video or brief description to Chilton Reynolds and we will post it as a part of this series. 






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