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The Office of the President will partner with departments across campus to host a series of institution-wide dialogue sessions, teach-ins, and mingles during the common meeting time (3 – 4 p.m. M,W,F) throughout the Spring 2025 semester. During the dialogue sessions, a topic or question is posed for discussion with President Cardelle and other University leaders. These are university-wide […]
Are you working on a scholarly or creative project this semester? If so, consider joining a Mutual Support Writing Group (sponsored by the Faculty Center) this semester. Each writing group will bring together faculty who are actively researching, writing, or revising scholarly or creative projects for publication. Your group will meet twice a semester to […]
The Office of the President will partner with departments across campus to host a series of institution-wide dialogue sessions, teach-ins, and mingles during the common meeting time (3 – 4 p.m. M,W,F) throughout the Spring 2025 semester. During teach-ins, a unit or department will present on the operations, functions, and areas of collaboration related to their units and departments. […]
The Office of the President will partner with departments across campus to host a series of institution-wide dialogue sessions, teach-ins, and mingles during the common meeting time (3 – 4 p.m. M,W,F) throughout the Spring 2025 semester. During the campus mingles, a unit or department will host an open house-style mingle in their office(s) and provide information/materials about their […]
Join us for a social hour at Muddy River’s Oneonta Tap Room! The Tap Room is located on the corner of Chestnut St and Winney Hill Rd, in the West Gate Plaza. There is food and non-alcoholic drinks as well, so come join if you are interested in connecting with faculty outside of the campus […]
The Office of the President will partner with departments across campus to host a series of institution-wide dialogue sessions, teach-ins, and mingles during the common meeting time (3 – 4 p.m. M,W,F) throughout the Spring 2025 semester. During teach-ins, a unit or department will present on the operations, functions, and areas of collaboration related to their units and departments. […]
Join the Faculty Center for Accessible Pedagogy, a new working group launching this spring. Faculty from across campus will meet regularly to discuss ways to make our classes more accessible for the benefit of all students. We’ll be reading Ashley Shew’s Against Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement and discussing models for designing pedagogy for accessibility, […]
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