Special Campus Dialogue Session

Craven Lounge, Morris Conference Center

This session will provide a forum to discuss the potential landscape for higher education over the next several years. President Alberto J.F. Cardelle will be having conversations and gathering information about this topic at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities conference this weekend. The possible impacts of a new federal administration on the […]

Level 2: Best Practices in Online Teaching and Learning Ends

Online Event

This is the Level 2 Training course towards the Online Teaching Certification. Successful completion of this training and the SUNY DLE Brightspace Fundamentals Asynchronous Modules are required to teach online at SUNY Oneonta. This 4-week course allows the participants to experience a fully online course as a student and work through the skills needed to […]

Friday Social Hour at Muddy River

Muddy River Suite #1, 107 West Gate Plaza, Oneonta, NY

Join us for a social hour at Muddy River’s Oneonta Tap Room! The Tap Room is located on the corner of Chestnut St and Winney Hill Rd, in the West Gate Plaza.  There is food and non-alcoholic drinks as well, so come join if you are interested in connecting with faculty outside of the campus […]

University Teach-In

Fitzelle Hall, room 105

The Office of the President will partner with departments across campus to host a series of institution-wide teach-ins during the common meeting time (3 – 4 p.m. M,W,F) throughout the Fall 2024 semester. A unit or department will present on the operations, functions, and areas of collaboration related to their units and departments.  We will […]

2024 Richard Siegfried Lecture: Visualizing Hollywood’s Gender Inequities Through Female Dialogue

Craven Lounge, Morris Conference Center

Dr. Chelsea McCracken, assistant professor in the Department of Communication and Media, has been awarded this year’s Richard Siegfried Junior Faculty Prize for Academic Excellence, and will deliver the annual Richard Siegfried Lecture on Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 6 p.m., in the Craven Lounge, Morris Conference Center. Dr. McCracken’s lecture entitled “Visualizing Hollywood’s Gender Inequities […]

University Dialogue Session

IRC, Room 1

The Office of the President will partner with departments across campus to host a series of institution-wide dialogue sessions during the common meeting time (3:00 – 4:00pm M,W,F) throughout the Fall 2024 semester. A topic or question is posed for discussion and input. These are university-wide topics that would benefit from a discussion from broad […]

Talking Teaching: A Community Roundtable with the Faculty Center

Hunt Union, Oneonta Room

The Talking Teaching discussions are a space to connect and talk about what’s new in the world of teaching and learning.  Each session will have a focus on a specific topic but can also be a space to talk about what is happening in the classroom and identify new modalities to explore.

AI Tools Open House

This session will give faculty and staff a chance to explore and experiment with AI tools in a collaborative environment. Stop by anytime during our open hours to try out tools like Perplexity, ResearchRabbit, Copilot, and more. Chat about the tools, share findings, and ask questions with staff from the Faculty Center and Milne Library.
